Senior Dog Wellness TRIO

I created the Senior Dog Wellness Monthly TRIO because I love working with older dogs! I love helping pet parents through this stage of life that their dog is entering. Helping a senior dog regain mobility and reducing their pain level is so rewarding. 

We love our dogs at every stage of life but the senior stage can be more difficult mentally and physically. We never want to see our beloved dog slow down because of age. It can also become more difficult to care for an older dog. Getting in and out of your car can be a struggle. Walking on the hardwood floors can be strenuous. All of these can really impact your dog’s quality of life.

If your entering this stage with your dog. If your dog is slowing down. If your dog has arthritis. If you want to prevent mobility issue. If you have tons of questions on how to care for your aging dog. Our Senior Dog Wellness Monthly TRIO is what you need!

This package combines the benefits of physio, massage therapy and hydrotherapy. Our Senior Dog Wellness Monthly TRIO is a 4 week program where you will be booking one physio appointment, one massage appointment and 4 swims. 

All 6 appointments + at home exercises for 299$ +taxes. 

What to expect during these appointments

Physio appointment

Our physio will assess your dog’s physical condition. Your dog’s mobility, muscle mass and pain level will be evaluated. Our physio will then determine the best course of treatment.  Your dog will receive a physio treatment which may include laser therapy, manual therapy, acupuncture and soft tissue release. The treatment plan will be determined depending on your dog’s need and condition. You will also receive a series of exercises that you will be doing at home to help your dog’s condition.


Massage therapy appointment

Our massage therapist will evaluate your dog’s muscle condition and target areas of tension. Your dog will receive a massage using different therapeutic techniques such as kneading, effleurage, trigger point release and frictions. Massage techniques promotes blood flow and reduces inflammation . It relieves tension and provides a general sense of wellbeing & relaxation. 

Our massage therapist knows how to make dogs feel comfortable. She has a gentle approach and will pay attention to your dog’s cues while massaging. 

Swimming appointments

Your dog will enjoy the benefits of 4 therapeutic swim sessions in our warm pool. This is perfect way to keep your dog active without the stress on their joints.  Swimming is considered one of the safest exercise but also one of the best overall body and cardiovascular exercise. It targets all the different muscle groups and improves flexibility. Your senior dog will enjoy this low-impact workout. 

All swims are private sessions with one of our Certified Canine Hydrotherapist. 

You can book this program online by selecting each category separately. Select the Senior Dog Wellness Monthly TRIO under these categories: Animal Rehabilitation (physio) + Massage Therapy + Hydrotherapy. Within 4 weeks, you should be booking 1 physio, 1 massage and 4 hydrotherapy visits. We recommend weekly swimming and booking physio and massage 2 weeks apart. 

If you need help booking these appointments, we will be happy to assist. Send us an email at or call us at 613-296-0857. If we can’t get to the phone, it’s because we are busy seeing our 4-legged patients. Leave us a message and we will get back to you!